Join Mag Gabbert and Sebastian Paramo as they host four writers for this month's Pegasus Reading Series!
Named Best Poetry Night by the Dallas Observer in 2015!
Steve Bellin-Oka earned his MFA from the University of Virginia and his PhD from the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Writers. He is the author of Instructions for Seeing a Ghost (University of North Texas Press, 2020), which won the 2019 Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry, as well as three chapbooks of poems. A 2019-20 Tulsa Artist Fellow, his other honors include fellowships from Yaddo, the Vermont Studio Center, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, and Crosstown Arts. He was awarded the 2019 Poets-in-the-Parks Fellowship from the National Parks Arts Foundation. A native of Baltimore, he currently lives in Tulsa.
Sarah Friday is a queer performance artist and poet whose work centers and explores the body as both a site and sight of pain, pleasure, expression, and critique. Sarah received her M.A. from the University of North Texas in 2016 where she currently serves as an adjunct professor in the Department of Communication Studies. Her other roles include serving as the Volunteer Relations Manager for the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas where she works to foster diversity, inclusivity, and equity among staff and volunteers, with an emphasis on advocating for trans and gender non-conforming youth. Most recently in her free time she enjoys rock climbing, roller skating, and ecstatic dance.
Cade Mason was born and raised near Lubbock, Texas, but he’s been calling Denton home. He writes primarily these days on family, as well as sex and sexuality. His work has appeared in Ninth Letter, on LitHub, and elsewhere. He received the University Writing Award for Nonfiction from the University of North Texas, where he received his BA and is currently attending as a first year MA student studying creative nonfiction.
Amanda Scott lives and writes in central Texas, where she also serves as Assistant Executive Editor for Porter House Review. Her work has appeared in Crab Orchard Review, Gulf Coast, Juked, New South, The Common, and elsewhere. She is currently at work on a novel.