A two-city event produced by storytelling series Oral Fixation (An Obsession With True Life Tales) prior to the 2016 national elections featuring Texans whose lives have been affected by abortion reading aloud their true, personal stories.
The mission of this project is to reduce stigma around abortion so more people feel safe to talk openly about abortion in hopes that lawmakers can no longer deny the freedom of women to make choices over their own reproduction.
Accepting story submissions from the general public until 8/14 for Dallas. Participants will be selected based on the following criteria: 1) a compelling, emotionally vulnerable story well told, 2) willingness to go through an intensive editing process bringing forth the truthiest, juiciest parts of the story, and 3) willingness to read the story aloud onstage and have his/her likeness shared on social media in association with his/her abortion story. For more info & to submit your true 1500 word story, please visit: oralfixationshow.com/submissions